Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Commercial Collections And Finding The Decision Maker

When making a personal debt collection call, you are trying to reach a specific person and talk with them about their financial situation, including the outstanding debt. The tips we use and suggestions we make usually take a holistic approach to the person's financial situation outside of their debt in question.

Commercial collections, however, are not handled the same way. Often we don't need to review or teach personal financial literacy, and we aren't limited to only talking to the person on the account. The focus becomes much more on talking about the outstanding account with someone within the company. That also changes the tone of the call at times. What doesn't change is making sure you are communicating with the proper person. That becomes more like putting together a puzzle as you search for who has the decision-making power within the company, and most likely it isn't the person answering the phone.

A commercial call is usually answered by a accounts payable clerk, general manager, or even an administrative assistant, especially if it is a larger company. You might luck out with a small business where the person answering the phone is an owner and you can talk directly to them about the outstanding debt. However, you will need to be prepared to get through a gatekeeper. That could mean multiple phone calls, messages and voicemails to reach the person; all while not sure if your messages are being received.

When you reach the gatekeeper it's best to remember that they are simply doing their job. They are screening the calls before they go to the next level. They are not there to make decisions nor are they there to take any frustration you may have. Just as you are doing your job attempting to collect a debt, and they are doing their job (screening calls from decision makers).

It impeative to be professional in your calls, clearly identify yourself and your reason for calling. That's where it can then be tricky to find the decision-maker. You may have a name or just a position. Other times you may be starting new with this company and not even sure. Additionally, the person you talked to previously, if it is a repeat commercial collections account, may have left or changed roles. If your company encourages further research on a business, you can also look online before the call to make yourself familiar with names and positions within the company.

In your call, you can give a sense of urgency and summarize (quickly) any previous call attempts or messages previously left. In other words, let them know it isn't anything personal against the gatekeeper. It may just help them relay your call even better, and always respect them for their cooperation and assistance. 

I hope this helps your next commercial collections call to be a bit more successful. Of course, I always enjoy hearing the tips and techniques you have found useful along the way.

All the best,

Kingston Data & Credit
Cambridge, Ontario
1-888-908-3151, Ext. 3003

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